Barclays Bank Data Protection Breach – Could You Claim Compensation?

This is a guide on the steps you could take should a Barclays Bank data protection breach occur.

Barclays Bank data protection breach

Barclays Bank data protection breach – Could you claim compensation?

Data controllers and data processors have a responsibility as per data protection law to protect your personal information.

Both have a different role. For example, deciding why and how your personal data will be processed is carried out by the data controller. The data processor acts on their behalf. We will explore their responsibilities in more detail throughout this guide.

Additionally, we will explore how a data breach could occur and the impact it could have.

If you have any other questions, you can get in touch with our team of advisors. To contact them, you can:

Select A Section

  1. Barclays Bank Data Protection Breach – Could You Claim Compensation?
  2. Types Of Personal Or Sensitive Data A Bank May Have
  3. What Impact Could A Personal Data Breach Have?
  4. What Steps Can You Take If A Barclays Bank Data Protection Breach Were To Occur?
  5. Calculating Settlements For A Bank Data Breach
  6. Talk To Us Should A Barclays Bank Data Protection Breach Occur

Barclays Bank Data Protection Breach – Could You Claim Compensation?

Data protection law, consisting of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) set out the responsibility data controllers and data processors have to protect your personal data.

If they breach data protection law, they can face investigation and fines from the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). However, it is not always possible to claim for a breach of data protection.

Article 82 of the UK GDPR provides a way for those affected by a personal data breach to claim compensation if the relevant eligibility criteria are met. This involves proving that the personal data breach resulted from a data controller or data processor’s failings and caused you to suffer emotional harm or monetary loss.

A personal data breach is a security incident that affects the integrity, availability or confidentiality of your personal data. There are several ways a personal data breach could occur, such as through human error or cyber security incidents.

To learn more about what you could do if a Barclays Bank data protection breach were to occur, please get in touch on the number above.

Statistics On Data Breaches In The Financial Services Industry

The ICO collates data security incident trends which show the incidents reported in the financial, insurance and credit sector.

According to the trends, there were 3,082 incidents reported. Of these, 2,252 were non-cyber and 830 were cyber.

Types Of Personal Or Sensitive Data A Bank May Have

Personal data includes information that can be used to identify you, such as:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Postal address
  • Phone number
  • Credit card or debit card details
  • Bank account details

Additionally, there is a type of personal data that is classed as more sensitive. This is known as special category data and is given more protection. It can include:

  • Information relating to your trade union membership
  • Biometric data
  • Data that concerns a person’s sexual orientation

Banks can hold different types of personal data and have a responsibility to protect it as per data protection law. A failure to do so could see your personal data being compromised. To learn about the impact this could have, please continue reading.

What Impact Could A Personal Data Breach Have?

There are several ways in which a personal data breach could impact you. For example, you could experience a psychological injury such as:

Additionally, you could experience a financial impact such as having money stolen from your bank account or having loans taken out in your name.

In some cases, you could claim compensation for the impact the breach has had on your life.

To learn more about the steps you could take should a Barclays Bank data protection breach occur and your personal data is affected, get in touch on the number above.

What Steps Can You Take If A Barclays Bank Data Protection Breach Were To Occur?

There are several steps you can take following a personal data breach, including:

  • Contacting the organisation: You can contact the organisation to ask them for information about what personal data has been affected. You can use any correspondence you have with the organisation as evidence to support your potential claim.
  • Making a complaint to the ICO: If you do not receive a response or you receive an inadequate response from the organisation, you can report your concern to the ICO. They may choose to investigate your concern and any findings from this investigation can be used as evidence to support your potential claim.

Additionally, the organisation has a responsibility to report the incident to the ICO within 72 hours if it has put your rights and freedoms at risk. They must also notify you of the breach without undue delay if the breach has put your rights and freedoms at risk.

You can learn about the steps you could take should a Barclays Bank data protection breach occur by calling our team on the number above.

Calculating Settlements For A Bank Data Breach

Data breach compensation can be awarded for both material damage and non-material damage. Material damage relates to the financial loss incurred as a result of the personal data breach. Non-material damage relates to the mental health injury you have experienced due to the personal data breach.

In order to calculate compensation for non-material damage correctly, solicitors can use the Judicial College Guidelines to help them. This is a publication containing guideline compensation figures corresponding to different injuries.

We have used these figures in the table below. However, they are not a reflection of what you will receive as each claim is unique.

Type of Harm Guideline Compensation Bracket Notes
Psychological Injury £54,830 to £115,730 – (a) Severe The person has significant issues with several aspects of their life, such as work and relationships. The prognosis is very poor.
Psychological Injury £19,070 to £54,830 – (b) Moderately Severe The person still experiences significant issues in several areas of their life but the prognosis is better.
Psychological Injury £5,860 to £19,070 – (c) Moderate The person will have experienced issues with several areas of their life, but there is a significant improvement and a good prognosis.
Psychological Injury £1,540 to £5,860 – (d) Less Severe How long the person is affected and to what extent are factors considered when determining the award given.
Anxiety Disorder £59,860 to £100,670 – (a) Severe The person will experience a negative impact on all areas of their life and will be unable to function the same as before the trauma.
Anxiety Disorder £23,150 to £59,860 – (b) Moderately Severe The person receives help from a professional improving the prognosis but will still have a significant disability for the foreseeable future.
Anxiety Disorder £8,180 to £23,150 – (c) Moderate The person will have made a significant recovery and if they experience any ongoing issues, they won’t be majorly disabling.
Anxiety Disorder £3,950 to £8,180 – (d) Less Severe The person will have made a mostly full recovery within a couple of years. If they have any ongoing symptoms persisting over a longer period, they will only be minor.

To learn more about the compensation you could be awarded following a successful claim, get in touch on the number above.

Talk To Us Should A Barclays Bank Data Protection Breach Occur

A data breach solicitor from our panel could offer their services under a type of No Win No Fee agreement. This is known as a Conditional Fee Agreement. The terms of this arrangement generally mean you won’t pay for the services your solicitor provides while the claim is ongoing, if the claim fails or upfront.

If your claim is a success, your solicitor will take a percentage of your compensation as a success fee. This is capped by law.

To learn more about the percentage solicitors take for No Win No Fee get in touch with our team. They can assess whether a solicitor from our panel could represent you on this basis. You can get in touch by:

Learn More About Making A Data Breach Claim

Below, you can find more of our guides:

Additionally, we have provided further external resources that you may find beneficial:

Thank you for reading our guide on the steps you can take should a Barclays Bank data protection breach occur and your personal data is affected. If you need any other information, please get in touch using the details we have provided above.

Article by EA

Publisher EI