Average Compensation For Being Knocked Off Your Bike In The UK

A typical day can be turned upside down when a vehicle knocks you off your bike. In the chaos and pain that follows, it’s hard to know what to do. After suffering cycling accidents caused by another road user, you might be wondering what the average compensation for being knocked off a bike might be.

All road users owe each other a duty of care to avoid causing damage or harm whilst operating their vehicles. The Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Highway Code detail how road users can fully meet this duty of care. At the beginning of any personal injury claim, you need to show that:

  • A duty was owed to you,
  • It was breached in some way by other road users,
  • You were harmed as a consequence. All three criteria must apply to have an eligible personal injury claim against a third party for negligence.

If you satisfy the above, you may be entitled to compensation, and this is where our guide will begin by discussing how compensation is calculated. In addition, we discuss whether compensation is taxable and what happens to damages awarded to children in these types of cases.

The final section of our guide discusses the advantages of using a No Win No Fee agreement to start a legal action. The solicitors from our panel can offer eligible claimants this option, and it could enable you to start a road traffic accident claim against the third party at fault today. So please continue reading to learn more, or if you’d like to discuss your bicycle accident claim now, you can:

  • Speak to our team for more free information on 0800 408 7825
  • Contact us via our call-back form.
  • Use the live discussion feature below.

injured cyclist holding knee next to his bike after a bicycle accident

Choose A Part Of Our Guide

  1. What Is The Average Compensation For Being Knocked Off A Bike?
  2. The Financial Impacts Of A Bike Injury
  3. What Kind Of Injuries Can I Claim For?
  4. Is Bike Accident Compensation Taxable?
  5. What Happens To Bicycle Accident Compensation For Children?
  6. Can I Claim Compensation On A No Win No Fee Basis?
  7. More Information On Road Traffic Accident Compensation

What Is The Average Compensation For Being Knocked Off A Bike?

There is no ‘average’ compensation amount in personal injury claims as the circumstances of each case differ. Also, injuries vary in severity and recovery periods depend on the individual. However, two heads of loss called general and special damages often make up the ultimate compensation amount if the claim is a success.

To assess issues like physical pain and psychological harm under general damages, those tasked with the calculation of compensation use any available medical records. In addition to this, publications like the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) can be consulted.

This publication offers award bracket amounts for a variety of common injuries based on how severe they are. We have used some entries to compile a table below to illustrate. However, it is important to remember that any compensation amount awarded could differ and that these are guidelines only. Also, the first entry in our table does not come from the JCG:

Compensation Guidelines

Area of InjurySeverityJCG Award Brackets
Multiple forms of injury and special damages for medical expenses, care provision and lost income.Severe Up to £1 million plus.
Head/Brain (a) Very Severe £344,150 up to £493,000
(c) Moderate (i) £183,190 up to £267,340
Pelvis/Hip(a) Severe (i) £95,680 up to £159,770
Knee(a) Severe (i) £85,100 up to £117,410
Neck (a) Severe (ii) £80,240 up to £159,770
Psychological Damage(a) Severe £66,920 up to £141,240
Leg (Severe)Very Serious (ii) £66,920 up to £109,290
Back(a) Severe (iii) £47,320 up to £85,100
Ankle(c) Moderate £16,770 up to £32,450


The Financial Impacts Of A Bike Injury

The financial harm created by bicycle injuries is assessed under special damages. This head of loss requires documented proof that shows monetary loss or expense caused by the accident. So you could have evidence such as the following:

  • Proof of the medical costs for private treatments (unavailable for free via the NHS).
  • Tickets that prove essential travel expenses.
  • Invoices or receipts paid to people who cared for you.
  • Evidence of any earnings loss (such as payslips).
  • Invoices and receipts for essential adaptations in your home or bike because of a new disability.
  • Damage to your personal property (the bike, eyewear or a mobile phone, for example).

A solicitor from our panel could answer questions about what losses you could claim following your accident. Their insights could help you construct a stronger argument for damages. Firstly, speak to our advisory team for a quick assessment of the strength of your claim, and they can help you from there.

What Kind Of Injuries Can I Claim For?

Cycling accidents can cause a wide range of injuries depending on the speed and severity of the collision. A cyclist can suffer any or all of the following:

  • Bruises, minor cuts and abrasions.
  • Fractures, soft tissue injury and dislocations.
  • Concussion.
  • Broken bones, especially in the foot, ankle, knee or leg.
  • Minor or severe head injuries.
  • Catastrophic injuries or a fatality.

Despite wearing a cycling helmet and protective clothing, a cyclist can offer little resistance against the heavy, fast-moving vehicles they share the road with. A collision with a car or motorbike can leave the cyclist far worse off, and you may have multiple injuries.

The list above is not exhaustive, so don’t worry if your injury or medical condition is not listed. With medical evidence to prove that your injury was a result of a road traffic accident involving negligence, you could still have a valid compensation claim. Speak to our advisory team to check your eligibility today.

Can I Get Compensation For Psychological Injuries?

In the section about bicycle accident settlement amounts in the UK, we discussed how you may be compensated for your physical injuries and financial losses. After learning about the average compensation for being knocked off a bike, you may be wondering if you can be compensated for psychological injuries.

Road accidents often involve psychological injuries, ranging from mental trauma to long-term psychiatric damage. Due to the sudden impact of being knocked off a bike, you may experience depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

If you’re diagnosed with a mental health issue after your accident, you can seek compensation for the same in conjunction with your physical injuries under the head of general damages. The JCG will also be used to determine the compensation for these injuries.

For more information on the injuries you could claim for, speak to our advisors now.


Is Bike Accident Compensation Taxable?

Personal injury compensation awards are not taxable. This is regardless of whether the compensation is paid in a lump sum or staggered amounts. It also does not matter if the case was settled out of court or the damages awarded in a court hearing.

It may be the case that tax is due on the interest accumulated on large settlement awards if they meet taxable thresholds.

What Happens To Bicycle Accident Compensation For Children?

Injured people under 18 cannot start a compensation claim themselves. However, a litigation friend can start a claim on their behalf so that the child does not have to wait until their 18th birthday to begin matters.

Should the claim be a success, the Court Funds Office retains the money in a secure account for the minor. Typically, they transfer the compensation to the child and close the account after they turn 18. However, funds can be accessed if needed by the child, e.g. to fund educational needs. An application can be made to the court to release some of the compensation.

Our advisors can answer any questions you may have about claiming on behalf of someone else.

Can I Claim Compensation On A No Win No Fee Basis?

Our panel of solicitors offer eligible claimants outstanding legal representation throughout the bicycle injury claim process, from start to finish. They are experts at gathering supporting evidence like witness statements and medical reports.  In addition, they deal with the pre-action protocol steps that must be adhered to in personal injury claims as well as handling legal documents for you. This could remove the stress of trying to claim by yourself.

Furthermore, all their services are offered under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This is a form of No Win No Fee agreement. Typically, this provides the following advantages to the person claiming:

  • No fee applies for the solicitors to start work on your bicycle accident compensation claim.
  • No fee applies for the solicitor’s work carried out as the claim moves ahead.
  • Should the compensation claim fail, you will not have to meet any bill for the solicitor’s completed services.

A winning cycling accident claim only requires the payment of a small success fee to your solicitors. It’s a legally restricted percentage deduction from the compensation. People working this way with their legal team get to keep the majority of the compensation payout.

Interested? To start the process of claiming compensation for being knocked off your bike, you can:

  • Speak to our advisory team for more free information on 0800 408 7825
  • Contact us via our call-back form
  • Use the live discussion feature below to chat about your bicycle accident settlement.

A client asks a solicitor 'What is the average compensation for being knocked off a bike?'

More Information On Road Traffic Accident Compensation

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In conclusion, thank you for taking the time to read our guide on average compensation for being knocked off a bike in the UK. If you require any further help or information about bicycle accidents and compensation claims, the team are ready to take your call.