£11k Compensation Payout For A Lacerated Hand | Case Study

Have you ever wondered how much you could claim for your hand injury at work? Did you suffer injuries as the result of a road traffic accident that wasn’t your fault, or perhaps you were hurt in a public place because of the negligence of others? This article aims to explain from start to finish the process of launching a compensation claim for hand injury settlements.

Many people worry that it’s expensive to hire a personal injury solicitor but we set out to examine how these worries could be lessened by explaining how a No Win No Fee solicitor works. We look at how they could value your claim properly and seek the maximum amount of damages possible to help you restore your out-of-pocket costs, putting the injury behind you and allowing you to get on with your life. We examine an example case of someone who could be awarded £11,000 for an accident in a restaurant to help illustrate this.

Throughout this article, we will provide links to relevant websites to help you in your decision and if you feel at any point that you’re ready to proceed with a claim, or just require further information on anything discussed, you can call us on 0800 408 7825 or drop us a line at Public Interest Lawyers where our friendly team is available 24/7 and happy to help.

Lacerated hand compensation

Lacerated hand compensation

Select a Section

  1. Can I Claim Compensation For A Laceration Injury To My Hand?
  2. Financial Loss From Hand Injuries
  3. What Causes A Hand Laceration?
  4. Claiming Care Costs As Part Of Hand Injury Compensation
  5. Compensation Payouts For A Laceration Injury To Your Hand
  6. Case Study: £11,000 Hand Laceration Compensation
  7. How Much Compensation For A Hand Injury?
  8. Laceration Injury Claims And No Win No Fee Agreements
  9. Use Quality Personal Injury Solicitors
  10. Make A Personal Injury Claim
  11. Extra Guides On Claiming Compensation For A Lacerated Hand

Can I Claim Compensation For A Laceration Injury To My Hand?

When handling personal injury cases that happened at work, on the roads, or in public places, your No Win No Fee lawyer will refer to different pieces of legislation to use to support your case.

The Health And Safety At Work etc Act 1974 obliges employers to ensure safety in the work environment. They may do this by providing information, training, and proper maintenance of tools and machinery so that your workplace is as hazard-free as it can be.

The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 seeks to provide a similar level of expectation of safety in public places. Anywhere that is accessible to the public, including areas controlled by the local authorities are all covered by this duty of care. If you had an accident that resulted in injuries and you’re not sure who has the duty of care, call our team today and we may be able to help.

The Highway Code is a set of guidelines that asks all road users to show a duty of care to each other. Whatever the age or experience of the driver, it’s expected that everyone using the roads will show a level of care and diligence. It also urges drivers to be mindful that some road users may not show that care and to anticipate that possibility.

Financial Loss From Hand Injuries

If you have injured your hand, whether it’s your dominant one or not, you may notice some immediate problems that affect your ability to work. This in turn could incur financial problems and depend on the severity of your injuries, money worries could soon add to your suffering.

If you consult a No Win No Fee lawyer, they will explain special damages to you as part of your hand injury settlements. These damages seek to restore all of the out-of-pocket costs that are a result of the injuries and refund them to you as part of your compensation. If there is a cost incurred by the injuries that you can prove, your lawyer could include it in the settlement.

What Causes A Hand Laceration?

A laceration to the hand could be caused in many scenarios, environments and any accidents. In the workplace, during 2019/20 a staggering 693,000 people reported an injury and the statistics for RTA’s also makes concerning reading. A serious hand laceration could be the result of numerous types of events, such as:

  • Contact with sharp edges or broken glass
  • As a victim of a criminal act
  • Part of road traffic accidents
  • The result of tripping, slipping or falling from any height
  • Injuries sustained from attempting to operate faulty machinery or equipment.

The list could go on. If you suffered a hand laceration in any of the three areas we’ve discussed, and you feel that the accident could have been avoided were it not for the negligence of someone else, contact our team today to see how we could help you with your hand injury settlements.

Claiming Care Costs As Part Of Hand Injury Compensation

With an injured hand, you may find performing daily tasks has become difficult and you need help. If family and friends are able to offer support their time can be paid for if your case is successful. ‘Gracious care’ as it is referred to could be included in your settlement.

If you cannot rely on the care of family and friends you may need to pay for someone to come into your home to help. These costs can be very high and would soon become a burdensome necessity that might eat away at savings or worse, push you into debt.

When you consult a No Win No Fee lawyer you greatly improve your chances of catching all of these expenses and having them presented as evidence in court as part of your settlement claim. Although it is not a requirement to have a solicitor represent you they have the knowledge to ensure your case is filed correctly and that you receive the right amount of compensation.

Compensation Payouts For A Laceration Injury To Your Hand

An essential part of your personal injury claim is a medical assessment and when a doctor confirms that your injuries were caused by the accident as described, and not a previous or long-standing injury, it forms compelling evidence in your favour. Armed with this medical proof, your lawyer will then seek two different types of damages on your behalf.

General damages are potential award amounts, guidelines are provided by the Judicial College for a monetary figure of your pain and suffering. The guidelines cover a whole array of personal injuries in varying states of severity. According to the JCG for a deep laceration to the hand, someone could be awarded up to £12,460.

Special damages seek to restore your finances to where they were before the accident that caused you injury. Loss of earnings, lost work opportunities, carer costs, travel costs to hospital appointments, missed holidays, medical equipment or adaptations to your home could all be included. Any cost that you’ve incurred for your injuries could be incorporated and presented as part of your hand injury settlements.

Many online companies offer ‘on the spot’ settlement amounts using compensation calculators which may promise an instant figure, but frequently overlook the more subtle aspects of your claim. When you speak to a personal injury lawyer you know that every aspect of how the injuries have impacted you can be recognised and potentially refunded to you.

Case Study: £11,000 Compensation Payout For A Hand Laceration

Miss Drew went for a meal with her partner at their local restaurant. They usually ate out once a week so were frequent visitors to this particular restaurant. After their first course Miss Drew went to use the bathroom as she entered the bathroom she was not aware of the water on the floor as there were no signs warning her of this, she slipped and as she was falling her hand was deeply cut due to the sink being damaged and broken.

The cut was very deep and the bleeding would not stop despite the efforts of several other people to help. Eventually, an ambulance was called and she was taken to the A&E. The palm of her right hand had received a deep laceration from one end to the other.

Using a No Win No Fee solicitor, the case was investigated and the results showed that the sink had been reported before as being a hazard but never been repaired. The case did not need to go to court as liability was admitted almost immediately and Miss Drew awarded £11,000 in general and special damages.

Our case study is purely an example but it illustrates how liability can be proven and how the process of a personal injury claim works.

How Much Compensation For A Hand Injury?

A skilled No Win No Fee lawyer can maximise your potential payout by including costs and losses you may never thought to claim for under special damages. Our break down illustrates a typical example:

General damages Special damages
Pain and Suffering £9000 Loss of earning £1,500
Travel costs to hospital appointments – £100
Help with household chores £400

Compensation amounts are never guaranteed and every case is different, but if you decide to use a No Win No Fee personal injury lawyer their experience may increase your chances of being awarded the right amount of compensation.

Laceration Injury Claims And No Win No Fee Agreements

Hiring a solicitor to handle your negligence case may seem fraught with potential costs. No Win No Fee agreements or CFA’a (Conditional Fee Agreements) are a way for people who may lack immediate funds to access the service of a solicitor. There is a three-year time limit on launching personal injury claims, so it’s important to act promptly. There are many other benefits of using a solicitor like this, such as:

  • No fees to pay your solicitor upfront
  • Nothing to pay while your case is ongoing
  • Nothing to pay your solicitors if your case is not successful
  • If your case wins, there’s only a small fee to pay the solicitors which is capped by law to keep it low and ensure the bulk of the compensation goes to you
  • Expert legal advice and support throughout your case

If you have any queries about how a No Win No Fee solicitor might be able to help you, please call our friendly team who will be happy to discuss any points you may have.

Use Quality Personal Injury Solicitors

The exact location of a personal injury lawyer is no longer a crucial part of the decision thanks to the internet. Internet searches can generate an enormous amount of No Win No Fee options and whilst the reviews they provide can be a useful insight, how do you know which one to choose? Various lines of inquiry can help such as:

  • How quickly does this firm settle their cases?
  • Will they value my case properly?
  • Do they have good client communication?

You could, however, just call us. When you call our team our advisors will assess your case for free under a no-obligation consultation if you have a good chance of winning compensation we will refer to No Win No Fee personal injury solicitors.

Make A Personal Injury Claim

Getting in touch with us is easy. You can:

We hope that you’ve found this article useful in helping with your decision to launch a personal injury claim and we look forward to helping you with your hand injury claim.

Extra Guides On Claiming Compensation For A Lacerated Hand

For more information on accident hot-spots, please read here

For further reading on claims against the council, please read here

For more information on accidents in public parks, please read here

Further statistics on workplace accidents, please read here

For further information on bad hand lacerations, please read here

More information on using the NHS services, please read here