£15,000 Compensation Payout For A Fractured Jaw – Case Study & Guide To Calculating Fractured Jaw Compensation

In this article, we will discuss how you could win £15,000 for your claim for a fractured jaw if the injury was the result of an accident that wasn’t your fault. If you were injured in the workplace, in a road traffic accident or as a result of third party negligence in a public place, speak to our team today to discuss your options.

Our panel of experts cover the whole country and we will share a typical example case study to demonstrate how the claims process could work for you from start to finish. We’ll look at how to establish third party blame, calculate the fullest potential amount that might be due to you and how to find the right personal injury solicitor to handle your jaw injury compensation claim.

If at any point you have a question about anything mentioned in this article, or if you’d like to proceed with a claim, please don’t hesitate to give us a call on 0800 408 7825.

Fractured jaw compensation

Fractured jaw compensation

Select a Section

  1. A Claims Guide To Calculating Compensation In A Claim For A Fractured Jaw
  2. What Is A Maxilla And Mandible Fracture?
  3. Areas You Could Lose Out Financially
  4. Accidents Commonly Causing Jaw Fractures
  5. Broken Jaw Compensation – Claim Time Limits
  6. Fractured Jaw Compensation Estimates
  7. Case Study: £15,000 Fractured Jaw Compensation
  8. Your Free Compensation Calculation Estimate
  9. Use No Win No Fee Agreements
  10. Discuss Your Case
  11. More Help

A Claims Guide To Calculating Compensation In A Claim For A Fractured Jaw

A serious jaw accident is a painful and distressing injury that will make its presence felt every day. Eating and speaking will be acutely affected and if your accident happened because of the negligence of others who had a responsibility for your health, safety and well being, you may have the grounds for a compensation claim for a fractured jaw. We’ll explain exactly how by referring to the three main areas we cover:

A personal injury claim is a case that you can bring in any of these scenarios if you feel that your injury was a result of third party negligence. Once you’ve established that there was a ‘breach of duty’ on their part to provide adequate safety at work, in public or on the road, it’s possible to seek compensation by using a No Win No Fee solicitor.

Our example case study, which is intended only as a guide, describes Sylvia, a 52 year old receptionist who suffered serious damage to her jaw at work due to a breach in the duty of care owed to her by her employer.

Using this example, we explain the claim process for compensation for a fractured jaw from beginning to end and how a similar case might apply to you and your circumstances. We then look at what points to consider when searching for the best personal injury solicitor and where to contact them.

This article will provide all the relevant links you might need to help you consider launching your claim for a fractured jaw.

What Is A Maxilla And Mandible Fracture?

The maxilla bone forms the upper part of our jaw and the mandible the more flexible lower part. The two bones operate in tandem to enable chewing and speaking.  A serious fracture in either or both bones is very painful, may require an operation and increase the risk of infection or arthritis. This NHS website estimates a recovery period of between 2 – 4 weeks at least.

Compensation for a fractured jaw could potentially be sought if you believe that the duty of care owed to you by another was breached in any of the following instances.

  • Employers, who have a duty of care under the Health and Safety At Work etc Act 1974 to provide as safe and fit for purpose environment as possible. If your injuries were a result of negligence on the part of your employer, you may have grounds to sue.
  • The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 provides similar coverage for your health and safety in public places that are operated by private companies and local authorities.
  • Anyone who uses the roads has a responsibility as outlined in The Highway Code to show due care and diligence to other road users, this includes cyclists and pedestrians. It’s also expected that you will anticipate that others may not show this level of care, skill or caution against accidents and act accordingly. If your fractured jaw injury was the result of careless or reckless behaviour on the part of another road user, you could seek compensation from them through their insurance policy.

The Motor Insurance Bureau (MIB) can be claimed through when you are hit by an uninsured driver or untraceable driver. Speak to our team today to discuss your options on making a claim for a fractured jaw.

Areas You Could Lose Out Financially

The pain and discomfort of needing to use your jaw to eat and drink could make work difficult for a week or two. Operations to wire the jaw would also entail recuperation time which means more missed work. Financial repercussions may be felt in lots of surprising areas of your life which is why it’s important to speak to a personal injury lawyer about special damages.

Special damages is an umbrella term that includes the costs of any financial impact to you not covered under the general damages, which are awarded separately in accordance with the Judicial College. Special damages can include:

  • Missed earnings
  • Travel expenses
  • Out of pocket costs to any professional carers required
  • Specialist jaw-fixing procedures
  • Medications or physiotherapy costs

These are all potential avenues for your jaw injury compensation claim. A good No Win No Fee lawyer will be well practised in identifying and winning those for you. Get in touch with our team to find out more about how we can help you if you wish to make a claim for a fractured jaw.

Accidents Commonly Causing Jaw Fractures

Any accident that results in an impact with the front of your face and head can result in broken maxilla and mandible bones in your jaw. Typically, this might involve some of the following scenarios:

  • Tripping or slipping and landing badly
  • Stumbling on stairs or falling
  • Coming into contact with something that hits your face
  • Being the victim of an assault
  • As injuries sustained in a road traffic accident (RTA)
  • Biting down on a foreign object or something hard

There are numerous other ways that you could crack, splinter and fracture your jawbones and if you feel that the reason for the accident could have been avoidable, you can talk to our team today to explore your options.

Broken Jaw Compensation – Claim Time Limits

There are time limits for taking action for broken jaw compensation. The Limitation Act 1980 sets out the timeframe you have to bring forward a personal injury claim as generally three years from when the accident happened.

However, under specific circumstances, the court may suspend the time limit or offer an extension.

Below are some examples of exceptions to the three year time limit:

  • If a child or young person suffers a jaw injury, the time limit would not start until their 18th birthday. They would then have until their 21st birthday to begin their claim.
  • If the injured person lacks the mental capacity, the time limit does not begin unless they ever regain the capacity to make decisions by themselves.

In the circumstances mentioned above, a litigation friend can claim on their behalf at any point whilst the time limit is frozen.

Get in touch if you are unsure whether you are within the timeframe to make a claim for compensation after you broke your jaw. If you are claiming on behalf of someone else, we can offer free guidance on whether you are eligible to be a litigation friend.

Fractured Jaw Compensation Estimates

An independent medical assessment would form a crucial part of your jaw injury compensation claim. The success of your case against a third party may hinge on a medical professional being able to confirm that your injury was a result of the accident, not the result of some long-standing or previous medical condition.

A medical examination can also provide you with details about any long term effects which could boost the value of your claim. When calculating potential settlement amounts for a broken jaw at work, in public or on the roads, your No Win No Fee lawyer will look at two types of damages:

  • General damages – this aspect of compensation is intended to cover the pain, suffering and impact on your life the injuries had.
  • Special damages – are intended to restore you to the financial position you had before the accident, as well as taking into consideration any future losses you might incur. Specific things that can be claimed include loss of earnings, travel expenses, medications and the paid care of others. As mentioned, receipts, invoices and proof of these costs to you are vital for establishing this part of your claim, so it’s crucial to retain and record these as accurately as you can.

If you sustained an injury because of something someone did or did not do, you may have a claim. You can contact our team for free legal clarity on this or any other points raised by using the number at the top of this page.

Case Study: £15,000 Fractured Jaw Compensation

Sylvia worked as a receptionist in an office. Most days her job was stationed at a desk dealing with customer enquiries.

As Sylvia was walking towards the photocopying machine she did not see the trailing cable across the floor which subsequently caused her to trip very badly injuring her face on the floor.

Sylvia was taken straight to hospital as she was in severe pain. Several colleagues witnessed her fall and took images of the scene of the accident. Sylvia was diagnosed with a fractured jaw and needed to have it immobilised so that it could heal correctly. Sylvia had to take 4 weeks away from work to recover. Her partner had to take time away from work to help her with day to day tasks.

Armed with all the medical assessments and receipts for additional care, photographs of the scene and a copy of the accident log Sylvia sought legal representation. The case was settled in Sylvia’s favour and her company admitted liability. She was awarded £15,000 in damages and returned to work in the correct department.

Whilst Sylvia’s case is purely an example, it demonstrates how such a case can proceed and what evidence may be needed.

Your Free Compensation Calculation Estimate

A breakdown of Sylvia’s compensation looks like this:

General damages Special damages
The JCG estimates a potential award of £20,000 for a
Serious fracture with slight permanent consequences
Sylvia’s loss of earnings
for 4 weeks – £3,000
Costs of someone to
help at home from – £1,500
Travel costs and Prescriptions – £500

Using a No Win No Fee solicitor could greatly increase your chances of being properly compensated for an accident at work.

Use No Win No Fee Agreements

A No Win No Fee jaw injury compensation claim essentially means that if your case does not win, you won’t have to pay a penny to your solicitors. But with a successful outcome, the solicitor will seek a nominal ‘success fee’ which is capped by law and payable only after the compensation has been won. Leaving the bulk of the money for you to reimburse yourself and concentrate on getting better. Other advantages are:

  • No fees to pay up-front
  • Nothing to pay while the claim is on-going
  • Expert legal advice
  • The peace of mind from knowing a personal injury solicitor is working in your best interests.

To find out more about No Win No Fee agreements, get in touch with our team.

Discuss Your Case

If you feel you’re ready to make a claim, or if you’d like more information on anything discussed here, why not get in touch today? You can:

  • Call and speak 24/7 to our ‘live support’ team on 0800 408 7825
  • Write to us by clicking here
  • Or get in touch with us via our live chat app, bottom right.

More Help

For more information about carer’s costs click here

For further reading about broken jaw injuries read here

Slips Trips and Fall claims click here

HSE provides statistical details about workplace accidents

For details about the Highway code, click here

For the full Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, click here 

Article by EA

Publisher EC.