Claiming After A Part Time Staff Accident At Work

This guide will explore if you could claim as part time staff after an accident at work. We will discuss the eligibility requirements that need to be met in order to make a personal injury claim for a workplace accident as well as the evidence you can gather to support your potential case. 

Employers owe their employees a duty of care to provide a safe working environment as well as prevent them from experiencing harm in the workplace. We will discuss the legislation that outlines the duty of care employers owe as well as how an employee could be injured if it is not adhered to.

Additionally, we will look at the compensation you could be owed if your claim succeeds and how the settlement you’re awarded might be calculated.

Furthermore, we will discuss the ways in which a No Win No Fee solicitor could help you when you seek personal injury compensation.

If you have any questions regarding making your claim, please contact our team. They are available 24/7 to offer free legal advice. To get in touch, you can:

part time staff accident at work

Select A Section

1. Who Could Claim For A Part Time Staff Accident At Work?
2. Evidence To Support Your Part Time Staff Accident At Work Claim
3. What Accidents Could Injure Part Time Workers?
4. Work Injury Claim Settlement Amounts
5. How To Claim With A No Win No Fee Workplace Injury Claim Solicitor
6. Read More About How Part Time Workers Could Be Injured At Work

Who Could Claim For A Part Time Staff Accident At Work? 

To begin a personal injury claim as part time staff after an accident at work, you must prove that there has been a case of negligence from your employer. To prove negligence, you must show that your employer owed you a duty of care, that there was a breach of this duty, and that this breach resulted in you being injured. 

An employer has a duty of care to their employees while in the workplace, as set out by the Health and Safety at work etc. Act 1974. This means they need to take steps that are considered both reasonable and practicable steps to prevent employees from being injured, either physically or psychologically, in the workplace. As a part time worker, you are entitled to the same duty of care from your employer as a full time worker. 

There are different steps an employer can take to reduce the risk of harm posed by known hazards in the workplace. For example, they must perform regular maintenance checks, provide adequate safety training, and provide a safe working environment. If your employer fails to do so, it could mean you are injured while at work.

Time Limits Applying To Part Time Staff Accident At Work Claims

If you are making a personal injury claim for an accident at work, you must begin your claim within 3 years of being injured. This is set out by the Limitation Act 1980

There are some extenuating circumstances where the time limit might differ. Contact our team today to learn more about these circumstances and determine if you are still eligible to make a claim. 

Evidence To Support Your Part Time Accident At Work Claim

In order to prove you have been involved in an accident at work, you must provide evidence of your workplace injury and that it was caused by an employer breaching their duty of care. Types of evidence you could gather to help can include:

  • CCTV footage.
  • A copy of the incident report after you fill out the accident book.
  • A diary detailing your injuries and symptoms.
  • Medical records.
  • Details of potential witnesses.

A solicitor from our panel can help advise and collect evidence for your claim. You can get in touch with an advisor to see whether they can connect you with a solicitor.

What Accidents Could Injure Part Time Workers? 

A part time staff accident at work can occur in multiple circumstances. For example:

  • A slip, trip or fall. For example, if equipment isn’t properly stored and is left unattended on the ground, you may trip and fall over it, resulting in a hand, back, or broken foot injury.   
  • Manual handling accident. If you are manually handling equipment without adequate training or support, this could result in overloading yourself and causing a back, neck, or shoulder injury. 
  • Defective equipment. If equipment isn’t regularly maintained and checked, you could be involved in a forklift truck accident in a factory causing you a head injury.

If, as a part time worker, you are injured at work you may be able to seek compensation. Read on to learn how much you could be owed if you claim successfully. 

Work Injury Claim Settlement Amounts 

If your employee accident at work claim succeeds, a settlement that comprises up to two heads of claim could be awarded. Firstly, general damages can compensate for the physical and mental suffering caused by your injury. 

This figure can be calculated using the Judicial College Guidelines. This document contains guideline compensation brackets for different injuries. 

Please see below for a table containing these figures. Be aware that these are to be used as a guide only because your settlement will differ depending on the circumstances of your claim. 

Compensation Table

Injury Severity Compensation Other Details
Hand Complete Or Effective Loss of Both Hands £140,660 to £201,490 Serious injury results in extensive damage to both hands.
Hand Complete Or Effective Loss of One Hand £96,160 to £109,650 A crushed hand injury leading to surgical amputation.
Hand Moderate £5,720 to £13,280 A range of injuries are covered in this bracket such as crush injuries, penetrating wounds and deep lacerations.
Foot Very Severe £83,960 to £109,650 Permanent and severe pain from a traumatic amputation of the forefoot.
Foot Moderate £13,740 to £24,990 Displaced metatarsal fractures causing ongoing issues and deformity.
Foot Modest Up to £13,740 Fractures and lacerations that lead to a complete or near complete recovery are included in this bracket.
Neck Severe (i) In the region of £148,330 A neck injury that is associated with incomplete paraplegia.
Neck Moderate (i) £24,990 to £38,490 Fractures or dislocations that cause symptoms that are severe and immediate. They may also require a spinal fusion.
Back Severe (i) £91,090 to £160,980 Spinal cord and nerve root damage causing pain and disability of a severe nature alongside other issues.
Back Minor (i) £7,890 to £12,510 A full recovery from injuries such as strains, sprains and fractures within a couple of years.

What Else Could I Claim?

Special damages is another head of claim that could be included in your settlement. This compensates for the financial losses incurred by your injuries, such as:

Evidence, such as receipts and payslips, can help to support your losses. For more information on the compensation you could be awarded following a successful claim, get in touch on the number above.

How To Claim With A No Win No Fee Workplace Injury Claim Solicitor

When looking to make a claim as part time staff for an accident at work, you may find it beneficial to seek out a No Win No Fee solicitor. They could offer you a Conditional Fee Agreement which is a type of No Win No Fee agreement.

This means you would typically not have to pay any upfront or ongoing fees for your solicitor’s services. You also won’t pay for these if your claim is not successful. 

If your claim is successful, you will owe your solicitor a percentage of your compensation. This is a success fee and is capped by the law, ensuring you keep the majority of your compensation. 

Talk To Our Team About Claiming For A Part Time Staff Accident At Work 

If you would like more information about claiming for an accident at work as a part time staff member, please don’t hesitate to contact our team. They can put you in touch with a panel of experienced No Win No Fee solicitors, provided your claim is valid and has a chance of succeeding.

To get in touch, you can:

Read More About How Part Time Workers Could Be Injured At Work 

We have provided links to more of our guides below:

Further Resources: 

Thank you for reading our guide on when you could be eligible to claim as part time staff after an accident at work. If you have any other questions, please get in touch using the details provided above.