Hip Injury Claims – How Much Compensation Am I Eligible For?

Have you or someone you know had an accident that was not your fault? Did you suffer a hip injury as a result? If this is the case, this guide about hip injury claims may help you by explaining your rights to compensation.

Throughout our guide, we will explain what type of accident could entitle you to compensation and how to claim. We will also look at how compensation payouts are calculated for hip injuries.

Finally, you will learn how long the process can take and how long you could wait to recover any financial losses. We’ll also explain how a No Win No Fee solicitor could help you with your claim.

Whether you had an accident at work, a road traffic accident, or even suffered an injury in a public place, we might be able to help. If you would like to learn more about Public Interest Lawyers and how we can help, call our advisors today for a free, no-obligation consultation.

X-ray of hip joint following a hip injury on a black

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How Much Compensation You Could Claim For A Hip Injury

The amount of compensation that you could claim for a hip injury varies, depending on the severity of the injury. For example, it results in a life-changing disability, the amount of compensation would be a lot higher than if you had a hip injury that recovers within weeks.

Compensation is split into both general damages and special damages. General damages cover your pain and suffering, including any mental anguish. We will discuss special damages in more detail in the next section of this guide.

The details of your injury could be confirmed by an independent medical professional who will, in turn, provide a medical report confirming if you require any further treatments and/or assessments, as well as the severity of your injuries and the prognosis.

When valuing your general damages, we use your medical report and a document, known as the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). The JCG provides guideline figures for different types of injuries.

The table below provides a few figures from the JCG. Please note the figures below are only guidelines, and the first insert has not been taken from the JCG.

InjurySeverityGuideline Amount
Multiple injuries including extensive special damagesMost severeUpto £1,000,000 +
Back injurySevere (i)£111,150 to £196,450
Severe (ii)£90,510 to £107,910
Severe (iii)£47,320 to £85,100
Pelvis and hip injurySevere (i)£95,680 to £159,770
Severe (ii)£75,550 to £95,680
Severe (iii)£47,810 to £64,070
Moderate (i)£32,450 to £47.810
Moderate (ii)£15,370 to £32,450

Factors Considered When Calculating Your Payout

  • The type and severity of your hip injury.
  • Has your hip injury prevented you from doing daily activities?
  • If you take any time off work, it could result in a loss of earnings.
  • Medical expenses (prescriptions, medical assessments, physiotherapy).
  • The need for any specialist care.
  • The psychological and/or emotional impact.

If you would like to know more about how much compensation you could claim, call our advisors today for your free, no-obligation consultation.

Claiming For Special Damages

Special damages are compensation paid out for any financial losses that you may have incurred as a result of your accident. Under special damages, you could recover money for any lost earnings, medical treatments or even home help. Whilst they are not always recoverable, we do recommend bringing a claim for them, especially if we have evidence to support our request.

Am I Eligible To Make A Claim?

To be eligible to make a hip injury claim, you must prove a duty of care has been breached. This is a legal obligation that a party owes to another party to avoid causing foreseeable harm.

Multiple parties could owe you a duty of care:

However, for hip injury claims to be considered valid, you must meet the personal injury claims eligibility criteria:

  • An employer, occupier, or road user owed you a duty of care.
  • This duty of care was breached.
  • The breach of duty resulted in you suffering an injury.

If you believe you meet the criteria and would like more information on how to make a hip injury claim, call us today.

Types Of Hip Injuries You Can Claim For

There are many different types of hip injuries, such as:

A stress fracture is a fatigue-induced bone fracture caused by repeated stress over a period of time. Landing on the hip area due to a slip, trip, or fall can also cause a hip fracture.

If you have had an accident at work, a road traffic accident, or slipping in a supermarket, this could cause a fall, resulting in soft tissue damage. This can include swelling and bruising.

  • Hip dislocation

The head of the femur can come out of the acetabulum in the pelvis, which can happen in any type of accident where you have fallen on your hip.

Occurring when the femoral head’s blood supply is disrupted, causing bone tissue to die. For example, a particularly bad fracture can result in avascular necrosis.

Contact our team today using our live support chat, which is available 24/7 to discuss the damage to your hip and for further information about hip injury claims.

X-ray of fractured hip injury

Common Causes Of Hip Injuries

In the following sections, we will provide examples of accidents that could result in hip injuries.

Accidents At Work

An employee is moving heavy boxes despite not having received the correct manual handling training. The movement has strained the employees’ hips, leaving them injured because the employer breached their duty of care by not providing sufficient training.

Road Traffic Accidents

The driver of a vehicle has been hit by another vehicle. The at-fault driver is under the influence of drink and/or drugs, breaching their duty of care. The collision crushed the side of the vehicle, resulting in a hip injury.

Public Place Accidents

A member of the public is walking in a public park, due to lack of maintenance by the council, they tripped on an uneven paving slab. This resulted in knee and hip injuries.

If you would like to learn more about types of accidents, call our team today to see if you are eligible to make a claim. They can discuss the exact circumstances of your accident and evaluate whether you have good grounds to launch a claim.

How To Start Your Claim

To start a hip injury claim, you could contact one of our advisors, who will take you through a series of questions to confirm the eligibility of your claim. Once this has been completed, one of our advisors will put you in contact with one of the solicitors from our panel.  They will, in turn, begin working with you on starting your hip injury claim. We’ve included some of the steps a solicitor from our panel could help you with below.

Gather Evidence

To make a successful hip injury claim for compensation, your case will require evidence that confirms your injury and proves how a third party caused it.

Examples of items that could be submitted to support hip injury claims includes:

  • Medical reports and/or records – including scans, X-rays and A&E attendances
  • Wage slips – for any loss of earnings
  • Accident reports
  • CCTV footage
  • Witness details so they can be contacted later on for a statement
  • Photographs of the defect/location/injury
  • Receipts and/or bank statements to support recovering special damages.

Black evidence book with white writing held by a lawyer in a blue jacket

How Long Do I Have To Make My Claim?

There is a time limit of 3 years from the date of the accident to start hip injury claims. This is known as the limitation period under the Limitation Act 1980.

However, there are some exceptions to this time limit, such as for children and those without the mental capacity to manage a personal injury claim. Get in touch with an advisor to find out more about the limitation period for personal injury claims.

How Long It Can Take To See A Payout

It is difficult to put a time frame on when a payment will be made following a successful hip injury claim. However, the following factors can impact how long it could take to reach a settlement:

  • The severity of the hip injury.
  • Acquiring expert opinions, such as having to attend medical appointments to assess your prognosis.
  • Evidence strength.
  • Negotiations. For example, if the settlement you are offered doesn’t fully compensate for the severity of your injuries, you may instruct your solicitor to negotiate with the defendant.

Call our advisors today who will help answer any additional questions you may have about hip injury claims.

Why Choose Public Interest Lawyers For Your Claim?

If you are eligible to work with Public Interest Lawyers, a solicitor from our panel could represent you on a No Win No Fee basis, under The Conditional Fee Agreements Order 2013. 

The benefits of this are:

  • No upfront or on-going costs for your solicitor’s work on your claim
  • Legally capped success fee if your claim succeeds. This will be deducted as a percentage from your compensation. It is this percentage that the law puts a limit on.
  • If the claim isn’t successful, you will not be asked to pay this fee.
  • You will receive the expertise of a solicitor on our panel. Our panel has decades of collective experience in personal injury claims, including hip injury claims.
  • Our panel will arrange any medical appointments and reports.
  • We will negotiate a settlement with the defendant.
  • Your solicitor will also explain any legal jargon and advise on evidence.

Contact our advisors today for your free, no-obligation consultation. If it seems like you meet our eligibility criteria, you could be connected to a personal injury solicitor from our panel.

Lawyer signing papers with gavel on desk

More Information

Here are some more of our guides for you to look over.

Further resources.

We thank you for reading our guide on hip injury claims and hope it has been useful. Feel free to call any of our advisors 24/7 for your free, no-obligation consultation.