MIB Payout Examples | Uninsured/Untraced Driver Accidents

Last Updated 23rd January 2025. Did you know you can make MIB claims against uninsured drivers? This may be more important than you think. Motor Insurance Bureau (MIB) figures show that, on average, 300,000 uninsured vehicles drive on UK roads daily, even though it is a crime to drive without vehicle insurance. That means over a quarter of a million people cannot compensate you if they hit and harm you.

To address this, vehicle insurers established the MIB in 1946 to help those harmed by uninsured drivers. Under the Road Traffic Act 1988, all insurers must join and contribute to the organisation, making claiming against an uninsured driver possible.

If you experience a hit-and-run accident, you can also claim against untraced drivers.

This is a guide about MIB claims against uninsured drivers. We will discuss who can make a claim and provide some MIB payout examples. We will also explain the steps you should take if an uninsured or untraced driver harms you.

You don’t have to pay anything upfront to make a claim. Our No Win No Fee solicitors are here to help, no matter your financial situation. Get in touch for a free consultation with no obligation at all:

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Select A Section

  1. MIB Payout Examples In The UK – What Does Compensation Include?
  2. A Comprehensive List Of MIB Payout Examples In The UK
  3. What Is The Motor Insurer’s Bureau And When Could I Claim?
  4. Types Of MIB Claims We Can Help You With
  5. Am I Eligible To Make An MIB Claim If An Uninsured Driver Hit Me?
  6. How Do I Prove My MIB Claim?
  7. Talk To Us About A No Win No Fee MIB Claim
  8. Discover More MIB Payout Examples

MIB Payout Examples In The UK – What Does Compensation Include?

Providing specific MIB payout examples can be difficult because all MIB claims are different.

There are two potential heads of claim: general damages and special damages. These are intended to get you back to the position you were in before your accident.

  • General damages cover you for the injuries you have sustained. These can be mental and emotional as well as physical. Some injuries include lower back pain or degenerative disc disease, for example.
  • Special damages refer to monetary losses sustained as a result of your injuries. These can include lost wages and the cost of travel to hospital or therapy. If you want to claim for loss of earnings, hold onto proof such as payslips to support your claim.

Why not speak to one of our advisors today to learn more about payout examples for MIB claims?

A Comprehensive List Of MIB Payout Examples In The UK

General damages compensate for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries. For a car accident, legal professionals may use two different documents to help them value your injuries.

The first document is the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). It provides details of injuries and compensation brackets to help guide legal professionals when valuing injuries.

However, if you suffered from whiplash, this will be assigned a value from the Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021 tariff. These regulations provide set amounts for whiplash injuries based on the duration and any psychological impact.

In our table, we’ve included a few injuries from the JCG and the whiplash tariffs. The JCG figures do not represent the exact value of a successful claim. It is only provided to help you learn how injuries will be assigned value.

InjurySeverityGuideline Compensation
Multiple Injuries Plus Special DamgesVery SevereUp to £1,000,000 or more
Injuries Involving ParalysisTetraplegia (also known as Quadriplegia)£396,140 to £493,000
Paraplegia£267,340 to £346,890
Shorter Durations£60,210
BackSevere (i)£111,150 to £196,450
Severe (ii)£90,510 to £107,910
Pelvis and HipsSevere (i)£95,680 to £159,770
Severe (ii)£75,550 to £95,680
Whiplash Plus Psychological Injury18-24 months£4,345
15-18 months£3,700

Our MIB payout examples table may not have included the injuries you suffered, nor does it consider special damages. If you would like a bespoke valuation, call our advisors.

What Else Could I Claim?

When making a personal injury claim through the MIB after an uninsured driver caused an accident, you might also be able to claim special damages. As previously stated, this aims to compensate you for the financial losses you have experienced due to your injuries.

Although we have already mentioned how special damages could compensate you for loss of earnings, some of the other financial losses you could be compensated for if your MIB claim is a success could include:

  • Medical expenses, if you have had to pay for private treatment or any prescriptions.
  • Travel costs if you can no longer drive your car.
  • Care costs if you require a carer for your injuries.

However, you’ll need to provide evidence regarding these financial losses, such as:

  • Receipts.
  • Bank statements.
  • Invoices.

You can contact our advisors for more information about claiming through the MIB or for payout examples for different injuries.

What Is The Motor Insurer’s Bureau And When Could I Claim?

The Motor Insurer’s Bureau compensates victims of car accidents caused by uninsured and untraced drivers.

To claim through their scheme, you must be eligible to make a valid road traffic accident claim:

  • A road user owed you a duty of care.
  • They breached this duty.
  • This breach harmed you.

All road users owe one other a duty of care. They must take every practicable measure to keep each other safe and comply with the rules of the road, including the Road Traffic Act 1988 and Highway Code.

If they don’t, they breach their duty of care. Negligence is when such a breach harms you.

Contact our advisors to learn more about making a road traffic accident claim and to receive potential MIB payout examples for successful cases.

How Long Do I Have To Claim Through The MIB?

The Limitation Act 1980 allows three years after a car accident to start a personal injury claim.

Suppose an injured person lacks the mental capacity to take legal action. In that case, their time limit is paused until they prove their capacity or are appointed a litigation friend, a trusted person who manages the claim.

If a minor is injured, the three-year time limit does not start until their 18th birthday. They can be appointed a litigation friend to start their claim before then.

For more advice on starting a claim or about MIB payout examples in the UK, please read on or contact our advisors for free.

Types Of MIB Claims We Can Help You With

There are generally two main types of MIB claims: against uninsured and untraced drivers.

Untraced MIB claims are made possible through the Untraced Drivers’ Agreement. This gives motorists the right to claim through the MIB if involved in a “hit and run”. This is where someone hits you and drives off.

The MIB also makes it possible to claim against foreign drivers visiting the UK with their Green Card scheme. A Green Card is internationally recognised proof of insurance and will provide all relevant details allowing you to make a claim. This is especially true of foreign lorries, as the trailer is registered separately in some countries.

If you believe you may have a claim, speak to our advisors for more information.

How Do I Prove My MIB Claim?

Any claim will need evidence to support it. This is especially important for MIB claims involving uninsured or untraced drivers.

Seek medical attention in the event of a possible injury. This is vital for your health. Plus, any medical records could act as proof during the claim.

If possible, exchange contact information with the other driver. Although they may be scared and confused, you should exchange contact details if an injury has been sustained. If someone sustains an injury in a road traffic accident, the police should also be contacted.

If the other driver tries to drive away, remember they are committing a criminal offence. Collect as much information as possible, such as the make and model of their car, the paint colour, and, critically, their registration number. Their registration number could be the easiest way to track them down.

Not all of this will be easy to do in the heat of the moment. Whether or not you can take the above steps, if an uninsured or untraceable driver hits you, you should inform the police. If you make a claim, the MIB will need a police reference number.

Other Evidence That Can Help You With An MIB Claim

Other evidence to consider includes:

  • Video footage from CCTV cameras, as well as dashcams.
  • Photographs showing how your accident and injuries happened.
  • Contact details, not just from the other driver, but from eyewitnesses.

You may also wish to speak to a solicitor. This is not mandatory, but it may make the claims process easier. They may arrange a medical assessment for you. The resulting report could act as evidence.

This may sound like a long process to go through. Let us help you. Our advisors are on hand 24/7 to give you free legal advice. They can even connect you with a solicitor from our panel. Get in touch to find out how we can help with MIB claims.

Talk To Us About A No Win No Fee MIB Claim

You may delay claiming out of concern for legal fees. Under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), you don’t pay your solicitor for their services upfront, during the claim, or if you don’t succeed.

In the event of the claim’s success, you pay a fee from your settlement. This small percentage (capped by law) covers the cost of using a solicitor’s services.

Our advisors provide free advice on a 24/7 basis. This is done with zero obligation. They can even connect you to a solicitor from our panel. To find out more, consider:

  • Calling us on 0800 408 7825
  • Talking to us on our live chat, which is at the bottom of this page
  • Contacting us through our website

Discover More MIB Payout Examples

Below, you can find more useful information on making a personal injury claim through the MIB.

Thank you for reading this article about MIB claims against uninsured drivers.